Tag Archives: Patience


3 Oct

Yesterday was a long…. day! My husband had two doctor appointment two hours from our home. I am thankful we were able to schedule both on the same day. 

We both slept in this morning but I didn’t miss my porch quiet time. Before I sette in the chaise lounge a Hummingbird flew to the feeder. She took a tiny sip then flew up close and hovered as if to say, fill up the feeder! The nectar and seed feeders were both empty! Cooler weather is coming so the birds must be stocking up.

My husband took this photo several years ago using a tripod and remote trigger.

To my surprise the Hummingbird zipped over to the garden area and began extracting nectar from the blooms on a Basil plant. Somehow she managed to pull the bloom off yet hold on to it longer to drink. She then moved on to the blooms on my huge Coleus plant. I wish I could have snapped a photo while she was drinking.

Waiting to hear from the doctor with test results is trying my patience. The practice has a patient portal and I have been haunting it all morning. We have been praying for the doctors to have wisdom in finding the source of my husband’s heath issues, but I’m not handling the waiting well. If my mom were still alive she would tilt her head and look me in the eye and ask..”what do you have a Lord for?” 

It Takes Time

30 Sep

From the Heart

Louise Gibson




Thank you, Lord, for your promises.
Thank you for your loving care.
You satisfy our every need.
Your presence is everywhere.


Patience is a trait that takes time to acquire.
It isn’t zapped into our being.
God uses situations as learning tools.
such as waiting for things we are not seeing.


It takes time to form relationships-
a bonding of two souls.
Patience is essential
in working toward our goals.


There is no substitute for friendship.
It begins with our Lord, above.
What a friend we have in Jesus.
The Cross is the symbol of love.


I want to follow in His footsteps
in helping my fellow man.
Even in my old age,
I know my Savior has a plan.


Keep looking up, dear friend.
That’s where our future lies.
Our physical body is subject to death-
but our soul never dies!



The Red Light Will Change~Be Patient

13 Feb

From the Heart

Louise Gibson

Louise Gibson



We suffer when we are not in control.

It affects our very being.

“Lord, I really wanted a sunny day,

but fog is all I am seeing”


We are prone to create our own little world.

The old “normal” has to fall apart.

“We can’t go forward, Lord,

unless we have a change of heart.”


Accept the present moment.

Be patient, the red light will change.

God uses those “waiting moments”-

Our circumstances He will arrange.


Religion is one of the safest places

to hide from God.

Ego wants to be in control.

Forget about rituals and man made rules.

Make communing with God your goal.


How comforting to know

God doesn’t love you because you are good,

God loves you because God is good.

That’s why I love Him so.


Accept the Present moment Red light