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How to Prepare for the End Times

4 May

Walking by Faith, Not by Sight

Janet Perez Eckles

Friday, April 12, 2024 by Janet Perez Eckles

Was the recent eclipse of the sun overrated? Some say it was. Others identified it as another sign that the end times are closer than ever. Either way, if we focus on each sign, we lose sight of what truly matters. We miss the preparation of our soul for the return of Jesus.

Here’s a list of eight questions to see if you’re ready for the end times.

Who do you think Jesus is? If you believe in a religion, in myths, in the world’s ways, in New Age notions or in yourself as a good person, or believe Jesus is merely a good teacher, you won’t be part of the victorious ending. However, “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved…” (Romans 10:9-10).

Each day that passes draws us closer to His return, the decision you make today will determine the place in which you’ll spend for eternity.

Are you alert? As a saved Christian, you possess the wisdom to know how to rebuke Satan’s attacks which are increasing with fury. As you prepare, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8).

He won’t devour you because in Christ Jesus, you have the power to rebuke, reject and defeat all his attacks.

Are you carrying the burdens of your personal life and that of the world? “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:28-29).

When persecution becomes more intense, can you find new strength in the Lord? “He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:29).

That new strength isn’t just for one moment, that power isn’t for one season, but you’ll soared on wings like eagles until that day when Jesus returns.

As days get darker, do you rely in God’s provision as Paul declared?  “…this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).

His riches are indeed glorious because they have nothing to do with your bank account, or the economy or financial security.

Do you know that His love is unshakeable even in the midst of wars, earthquakes, floods, inflation, fires or violence? “And nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:35-39).

When the signs of His return become more frequent, do you receive what Jesus offers? “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So, don’t be troubled or afraid” (John 14:27).

Signs will appear, conflict will intensify, evil will attack, but God’s peace within you will remain.

Do you listen to the media or to the main voice of the Savior? “All who listen to me will live in peace, untroubled by fear of harm” (Proverbs 1:33).

God has a plan. He has a purpose. And He executes each detail in precise and perfect timing. And while riding on the train of trust, we obey, expect, believe and wait in beautiful expectation. With Christ Jesus living in us, we anticipate that day when tears will dry, pain will cease, worry will end, joy will explode, peace will permeate, and victorious glory will be ours.

Let’s pray.

Father, thank You for the freedom we have to look beyond the circumstances of this world and fix our eyes on Your return with hearts filled with expectation and beautiful hope.

How are you getting ready for Jesus’ return?

Bonus article on today’s topic.


Celebrate with me! My new release, Now I See: How God’s Amazing Grace Transforms the Deepest Pain to Shining Joy won the 2023 Memoir of the Year Golden Scroll Award.

Your copy waits for you here:

Let’s Stay in Touch

You and I are only a click away. You can use this CONTACT FORM to leave your prayer request, make a comment, ask a question, or invite me to speak to your group. Or simply reply to this email.

I also invite you to visit my WEBSITE. You’ll find more inspirational blogs along with my story, books, and videos. You’ll also learn the passion and mission of JC Empowerment ministries.

Janet Eckles Perez

Some say she should be the last person to be dancing. Her life is summarized in this 3-minute video:

Janet Perez Eckles’ story of triumph is marked by her work as an international speaker, #1 best-selling author, radio host, personal success coach and master interpreter. Although blind since 31, her passion is to help you see the best of life.

I Love Spring

2 May

On the Porch

Onisha Ellis

We enjoyed our winter in Florida. There were many “if only days,” as in if only Florida was always like this I would never want to leave. Mild days and brisk nights, and lots of sunshine. Those winters don’t come too often. But as spring approached, we felt a case of Spring fever coming on.

We planned to head for the North Carolina mountains the first of April, then our daughter had the opportunity of a mini-vacation with a college friend. We extended our time to pet sit our granddog, Ollie.

We had a few blips in our travel plans, but the day came when everything fell into place and we were on our way.

We had checked the weather forecasts for our route and it appeared we would be able to scoot between the rain showers of an approaching cold front. And if we hadn’t been held up by a traffic issue, we would have succeeded. Instead we ended up at the Buc-ees in St Augustine with screeching tornado warnings on our phones. I suggested we go into the store and wait out the warnings before getting gas, but oh no.. my man decided we should pump the gas first.

Photo Credit: Wil C. Fry Flickr

Once we were north of Jacksonville, Florida the rains cleared and we were treated to this beautiful and unusual looking rainbow.

I’m sure spring is beautiful everywhere but to this Florida raised woman, spring in the mountains is glorious. The color of the budding trees is so fresh and clean and when the sun shines just right the leaves seem to glow.

We spent the next two weeks settling back into our mountain house. I still had Christmas decoration to put away! Then we had some pesky doctor appointments to keep.

My tablet curates photos each day and one morning it curated pictures taken in the Great Smoky Mountain National park during the spring two years ago. We decided to make haste and drive up to the park asap.

The weather at our house was chilly with clear skies. Since the temperature in the national park can be 10-15 degrees cooler we tossed a couple of jackets in the truck. A light one and a heavier one, because you never know.

When we entered the park via route 441, the skies were clear and the trees as beautiful and we hoped.

We hadn’t gone very far before this happened.

A few years ago elk were reintroduced into the park. We always look forward to seeing them but didn’t expect to see them early in the day. To our surprise quite a few were lounging in the woods near the road. We were glad they were lounging and not crossing the road. In the fog, that could have been an unpleasant experience.

US route 441 connects Cherokee, North Carolina with Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. I think the drive is about 35 miles. At the line between the two states is Newfound Gap, a beautiful overlook. We always stop even though we have been there numerous times, it is still beautiful to us. Plus, it has restrooms. It was damp and cold so I didn’t snap a picture of the overlook. I did take a couple of pictures of the woods next to the restrooms. The world famous Appalachian trail passes through here. I am thinking the hikers appreciate the restrooms!.

One of the oddities of the park is that the weather can be completely different on each side. Once we crossed into Tennessee, the fog rolled off. The car in front of us was driving rather slow. As I looked closer, I saw a sign atop the vehicle proclaiming it to be a student driver car.I can not imagine learning to drive on a winding and steep mountain road.

There wan’t much traffic and we had nothing but time so I suggested my husband drop back so as to not make the student nervous. We followed the student the rest of the way into Pigeon Forge where the driver became more confident on a flat road and we parted ways.

We stopped in Pigeon Forge for lunch, then did some shopping. My husband browsed in Bud’s sporting goods store, then we drove into Sevierville to get gas at the newest and largest (so far) Buc-ees.

After that, my sweet husband was tiring and we retraced our drive back towards GSMNP. ( side note-my phone glitched and wouldn’t work. No access to the map app!)Before leaving Pigeon Forge we stopped at my husband’s oh so favorite place, Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. He felt sure that sugar and caffeine would energize him. (I finally figured out the phone problem.)

The glazed ones were Hot and Ready.

Of course, the coffee necessitated a stop once again at Newfound Gap. While waiting on husband, I took a few pictures.

Late afternoon.

Nothing special about the picture below. I liked the contrast of the yellow flowers with the still brown trees.

Tired but happy.

As we drew near to the southern exit of the park, we were on the lookout for elk. Late afternoons they can be seen grazing in a field or even next to the road. We had just said that we didn’t think we would see them today when around a curve, we saw this one, munching away.

It was a good day.

I'm a winner

After my retirement, I decided to re-learn the canning and preserving skills I learned from my mother but hadn’t practiced for twenty years. I titled the blog Old Things R New to chronicle my experience.  Since then I have been blessed to have six other bloggers join me, DiVoran Lites, Bill Lites,  Judy Wills, Louise Gibson, Janet Perez Eckles and Melody Hendrix

In addition to blogging, I’m a general  “mom Friday” for my author daughter, Rebekah Lyn. I also manage her website, Rebekah Lyn Books  

My 2024 goal is continue to use my love of photographs and words to be an encourager on social media.

Minute Meditations-3

28 Apr


 Judy Wills



What does that word mean to you?  The New World dictionary defines trust as:  firm belief or confidence in the honesty, integrity, reliability, justice, etc. of another person or thing.  A secondary definition is:  confident expectation.  How does that fit your definition?  

Credit Google Search

Have you ever trusted someone with a “secret” only to have that secret spread around and get out of control?  How did that make you feel?  Did you feel like you could “trust” that person with anything personal again? Most likely not.

My brother, Bill, wrote his thoughts on this:

Judy is living in Central Florida with her retired U.S. Air Force husband of 50+ years. Born in Dallas, Texas, she grew up in the Southwestern United States.She met her husband at their church, where he was attending the university in her town. After college and seminary, he entered the Air Force, and their adventures began.They lived in eight of our United States, and spent six years in Europe, where their oldest daughter was born. She was a stay-at-home mom for many years .

  Judy has always been involved with music, both playing the piano and singing. Always interested in exercise, she was an aerobic dancing instructor, as well as a piano teacher for many years, and continues to faithfully exercise at home.

After moving to Central Florida, she served as a church secretary for nearly nine years.Her main hobby at this point in time is scanning pictures and 35mm slides into the computer. She also enjoys scrapbooking.She and her husband have two married daughters and four grandchildren, including grandtwins as well as a great-grandson and a great-granddaughter. She and her husband enjoy the Disney parks as often as possible.

Holy Week 2024

24 Mar


Judy Wills

Today is Palm Sunday 2024…the beginning of what most Christians call “Holy Week.” 

Credit ChurchArt

This is the week that led up to the death and burial of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  There is something nearly every day this week that symbolizes what our Lord went through during the last week of His earthly life.

It all culminates on Friday, when Jesus hung, nailed to a cross for hours until He gave up His life – for you and me.  And be aware…He GAVE UP his life – it was not taken from Him.  And it was my sins – and yours – that nailed Him to that cross.  The entire plan of God’s salvation for mankind was completed when Jesus said “It is finished,” breathed His last, and gave up His spirit.  Thank You, Lord, for loving me so much that you would do that for me.  

In testimony in previous years, I have made the statement that, I firmly believe that if I were the only person to ever have lived on this planet, that Jesus would still have died in my place!  There would still be sin and Satan, and I’m sure that I would have dived in with both feet into that sin!  God made a way for me – and all mankind – to escape His terrible wrath of unbelief, and share in Heaven with Him for all eternity.  Thank You Lord!

But all that took a sacrifice.  God directed the ancient Jewish nation in blood sacrifices to ask God’s forgiveness for their sins, and bless them.  Jesus became that sacrifice for us – once and for all.  He didn’t have to die again and again, each time we sinned.  He took care of it on that cross.

There is a cartoon by Johnny Hart called B. C. that I have enjoyed through the years.  But one of the ones I enjoy the most is about Good Friday.  What do you think?

Judy is living in Central Florida with her retired U.S. Air Force husband of 50+ years. Born in Dallas, Texas, she grew up in the Southwestern United States.She met her husband at their church, where he was attending the university in her town. After college and seminary, he entered the Air Force, and their adventures began.They lived in eight of our United States, and spent six years in Europe, where their oldest daughter was born. She was a stay-at-home mom for many years .

  Judy has always been involved with music, both playing the piano and singing. Always interested in exercise, she was an aerobic dancing instructor, as well as a piano teacher for many years, and continues to faithfully exercise at home.

After moving to Central Florida, she served as a church secretary for nearly nine years.Her main hobby at this point in time is scanning pictures and 35mm slides into the computer. She also enjoys scrapbooking.She and her husband have two married daughters and four grandchildren, including grandtwins as well as a great-grandson and a great-granddaughter. She and her husband enjoy the Disney parks as often as possible.

Hope in Letting Go

23 Feb

Reblogged February 23, 2024

Rebekah Lyn’s Kitchen

2 Votes

This past week was rough. It started Monday when a coworker arrived in a foul mood that deteriorated throughout the day. By Tuesday morning, his attitude had rubbed off, leaving me anxious and edgy. Combined with poor sleep, a never-ending to-do list, and news of unexpected expenses, by Thursday night, I was snapping at everyone and Friday was a slog just to make it through the day.

It’s easy to allow the circumstances around us to dictate how we feel. Perhaps if I’d stopped listening to podcasts on Monday and played my praise music instead, I would have been able to take my eyes off myself and my surroundings. When I made the change on Thursday, I already had days of tension and anxiety to let go of. I’m thankful God can handle it when I drop a whole cart of baggage at His feet. Sometimes I unload the cart like a dump truck, letting it all go at once, but other times, like this, I wrestle to let go of each piece.

A few of the bags I’m clinging to are concerns for people I care about. I know I can’t change the outcome. I can pray for them, lend a listening ear, but it’s up to God to heal their brokenness. For a fixer like me, stepping back and letting God work is a challenge.

When I stop to listen to my heart and surrender my worries, I remember Jesus has already overcome all the troubles of this life. For those who follow him through faith, He offers the gift of rest. He is ready and willing to take our burdens and set us free. The troubles we face can seem insurmountable, but they are only fleeting. We can find hope in letting go of our worries and entrusting them to God’s care.

I’m not saying we give up or expect an instant change in circumstances. Rather, by spending time in His Presence, He will instruct us on what we need to do. We may need to keep praying, we may need to move forward, or we may need to accept a helping hand that He brings into our lives. Only through quiet, focused time in prayer, worship, and studying the Bible can we prepare our hearts to hear that direction.

I read a great analogy this weekend: “To release your problems to God means to let go in your spirit. It’s like a trapeze artist who performs in a circus. When the trapeze bar swings her way, she must let go of the bar she’s holding onto so she can grab the new bar.” (Kent Crockett, If God Knows What I Need Why Should I Pray?)

Take time today to let go, quiet your thoughts, meditate on a favorite Bible verse, sing a favorite song, and let God carry your burden. I have started a resource page with links to books that have influenced these blogs as well as music I find encouraging. I’ll continue to update it throughout the year.

Rebekah Lyn

Rebekah Lyn

Hope for 2024

16 Feb

Scrolling social media, especially X, hope seems to be almost a foreign idea. Each day I come across many people asking for prayers and not just for illness. So many are fighting depression, addiction and loneliness..

Our daughter, Rebekah blogs at Rebekah Lyn’s Kitchen and she has begun a blog series on the subject of Hope. In her series she writes, “how do we keep our hopes from fizzling out or falling by the wayside in the hurry of life?”

I’ve decided to reblog her posts here, and hope that our readers find them encouraging.

Hope in Being Seen

Reblogged February 16,2024

Sometimes, even among friends, I feel unseen and unheard. Part of that is because I gravitate towards individuals who talk a lot, so I don’t end up contributing much toward conversation. When I’m in group conversations, it’s easy to sit back and listen, never adding my own voice, then go home and feel I might as well have been invisible.

I didn’t get to share whatever was troubling my heart or bringing me joy and wasn’t that what this time of community was all about? Self-pity can quickly seep in, blotting out the pearls of wisdom I gained from listening. Sometimes we need to listen more than we need to speak.

There is a longing deep inside our hearts to be seen and heard, to make deep connections with others. God created us for community. In Genesis 2:18, “The Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.’”

Finding those who understand, respect, challenge, and encourage us is a difficult task, possibly even more so with all the digital connections we have in our modern society. We have far-flung digital acquaintances with people we may never meet in person and with whom we don’t share deeply personal feelings. Despite having friend lists and followers numbering in the hundreds or thousands, we still long for meaningful in-person connections.

In Psalm 139, the psalmist writes, “Where can I go from Your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, You are there; if I make my bed in the depths, You are there. If I rise on the winds of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me, Your right hand will hold me fast.”

If you’re feeling alone or unseen, remember these words. God sees you no matter where you are, even if you’re trying to hide from Him. He created you and He loves you more than you can imagine. Unlike friends of this world who may judge you, ridicule you, drown out your voice, or try to tear you down, God is always waiting with open arms. He is ready to forgive you, heal your wounds, catch every tear you cry, carry you when you can’t take another step, and encourage you to hold on. He’s always listening, waiting for you to call out to Him. You are seen, heard, and loved.

If you would like to read the previous posts of hope, Visit her blog, Rebekah Lyn’s Kitchen.

  • Hope in Suffering
  • Hope in the Father
  • Hope in Seeking
  • Hope Delayed
  • The Beginning of Hope

About Rebekah

I’m a sandal-loving native Floridian, but love spending time in the mountains of North Carolina. I believe God has called me to use my writing to spread the word of His love and the gift of salvation He freely offers. So many seem to believe when a person gives their life to Christ they become infallible or perfect. I want to write stories that show we are still human and do make mistakes, but through God’s grace there is forgiveness when we truly repent.

I love cooking, especially baking, and food tends to show up in all of my books. I enjoy sharing the recipes I find along the way as well as sharing insights into the writing journey. I love to hear back from readers and would welcome the chance to connect with you on FacebookTwitterGoogle+, or Pinterest.

You can also learn more about my books and some other Christian writers I have partnered with on my website,

5 Ways You Can Have a Victorious New Year

6 Jan

Walking by Faith, Not by Sight

Janet Perez Eckles

Reblogged 1/06/2024

A few days ago, I opened an email that read: FRAUD ALERT: There’s suspected fraudulent activity in your bank account.

Another spam, right? No. the email was real. The details included the correct amount and check number. Once I verified the amount deducted and realized there was no fraud, I breathed a sigh of relief that all was well.

But not so when a large amount of joy has been deducted from your life.

Then, you are indeed a victim of fraud. Satan is a liar and is at work. He’s a master in decreasing our confidence, withdrawing our peace, and putting us in the red of fear. And be aware, His lies increase with each year that passes by.

While the world begins another year with more tension, he points out the sorry situation you’re in or the lack of joy because of the adversity that continues into the new year.

He’s quick to point out the financial hardship and repeats you’ll not make it this new year either.

He reminds you of past setbacks, the failures, the regrets and the unexpected heartache.

He speaks of the gloom and doom in the world and the darkness of your own world.

But what Satan doesn’t count on is your bold declaration of God’s power at work in you. His truth that silences his lies, and His faithfulness to lift you above any setback.

5 Truths for You

In the stillness of night, should spiritual fraudulent activity destroy your peace or invade your security, tuck these declarations of God’s truth under the pillow of your heart.ds

  1. No attack can reach you because “No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication from me, declares the Lord“ (Isaiah 54:17).
  2. Fear may draw near, and the evil may whisper more lies, “But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one” (2 Thessalonians 3:3).
  3. When the enemy of your soul speaks of your vulnerability and worry, remember “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1).
  4. If adversity makes you weak and feeling unprotected, “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6).
  5. When feeling alone and anxious, God’s Word reassures you, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).

God’s wisdom at work in us recognizes the lies. His truth dismantles them. His faithfulness exposes them. That’s why victory comes in the New Year riding in the power of God’s truth.

Let’s Pray

Father, no matter what fraudulent activity surrounds me, I shall carry your Word in my heart to guard me and my family.  I will stand strong and secure as I count on Your protection all the days of my life. In Jesus’ name.

How will you protect yourself against spiritual fraud?

Bonus article on today’s topic.


Celebrate with me! My new release, Now I See: How God’s Amazing Grace Transforms the Deepest Pain to Shining Joy won the 2023 Memoir of the Year Golden Scroll Award.

Your copy waits for you HERE.

Let’s Stay in Touch

You and I are only a click away. You can use this CONTACT FORM to leave your prayer request, make a comment, ask a question, or invite me to speak to your group. Or simply reply to this email.

I also invite you to visit my WEBSITE. You’ll find more inspirational blogs along with my story, books, and videos. You’ll also learn the passion and mission of JC Empowerment ministries.

Janet Eckles Perez

Some say she should be the last person to be dancing. Her life is summarized in this 3-minute video:

Janet Perez Eckles’ story of triumph is marked by her work as an international speaker, #1 best-selling author, radio host, personal success coach and master interpreter. Although blind since 31, her passion is to help you see the best of life.

The Slowest Fastest Christmas

15 Dec

On the Porch

Onisha Ellis

Christmas is in ten days. Nine days if you count Christmas eve. It’s is coming on fast and I am moving slow.

Some years will celebrate Christmas in Florida and other years at our home in the North Carolina mountains. This year we will have a mountain Christmas. To jump start the season, our daughter who was visiting over Thanksgiving, prodded us to set up the Christmas tree and decorate it.

We have boxes of ornaments including the special ones from our children’s growing up years. As our daughter rummaged through the decorations I hesitated. While I would love a tree filled with memories, I didn’t think my energy level would be up to the effort required to later take down the tree. We settled on a one color tree.

Our daughter returned to Florida, and the tree stood lonely in the undecorated house.

When our daughter who decorates for every holiday and season told us she wasn’t going to put up any Christmas decorations this year since she was going to be with us, I knew I needed to get moving on the holiday cheer.

My moving started slow. I like to decorate our guest bathroom with the seasons.. I store seasonal flowers and small ornaments under the sink and a change of seasons is a five minute operation.

Photo Credit: Hobby Lobby

Next, I ventured to the attic and brought down a small,handmade, net Christmas tree and a matching indoor wreath made by the same crafter.They are a fairly recent addition to our Christmas decorations and they make me smile.

More time passed and I I began to feel twitching of Christmas past. I remembered I had tucked some Christmasy items into the drawer of an antique sideboard. It didn’t take much effort to take them out and place them along the sideboard.

The Christmas spirit in me was moving and it began to spread to my husband. We aren’t able to put up Christmas lights these days, but we do put out Christmas lasers. My husband surprised me by setting them up in the yard. Then I put a big red bow on the artificial topiary on the porch.

The stair bannisters leading to the attic began nagging me to dress them for Christmas as well, followed by the front step bannister. Greenery was abounding.

And finally, I dug into the closet where seasonal tablecloths, chargers and place mats are stored. I chose a cloth with a poinsettia pattern. It looks very nice and Christmasy. I think I am finished decorating. It was a slow process, but I think we enjoyed it more that way than rushing through it.

Now it’s on to baking and making Christmas treats. This year I am corralling my husband to help with the candy making. Christmas is coming fast and we are moving slow-but we are still moving!

I'm a winner

After my retirement, I decided to re-learn the canning and preserving skills I learned from my mother but hadn’t practiced for twenty years. I titled the blog Old Things R New to chronicle my experience.  Since then I have been blessed to have six other bloggers join me, DiVoran Lites, Bill Lites,  Judy Wills, Louise Gibson, Janet Perez Eckles and Melody Hendrix

In addition to blogging, I’m a general  “mom Friday” for my author daughter, Rebekah Lyn. I also manage her website, Rebekah Lyn Books  

My 2023 goal is continue to use my love of photographs and words to be an encourager on social media.

2023 Road Trip-Part 9A

8 Nov

A Slice of Life

Bill Lites

Day 9 – July 23: Continued:

It wasn’t far from the Manitoba Museum to the Canadian Museum for Human Rights located at the “Forks” where the Red River & the Assiniboine River meet, which is also considered the birthplace of the Metis (indigenous peoples).  The museum’s amazing architecture (and I thought the Canadian Mint Building was unique), with its wrap- around exterior ‘Dove Wings’ and its eight interior Alabaster walkways that take you up, from gallery to gallery, is all breath taking.  Each walkway leads you to where the various aspects of the history of human rights are displayed.  I had to stop and think about ‘The Stuart Clark Garden of Contemplation’ (What are all those short basalt rock columns all about?).  The 360-degree view from the 328-foot-high Israel Asper Tower of Hope gives a person a truly magnificent look at the city of Winnipeg and the surrounding area to appreciate its scope and beauty.

Photo Credit: Bill Lites

Now I headed a few miles out of town to try to visit the Prairie Dog Central Railway Museum located at the Inkster Junction Railway Station.  This turned out not to be a museum as much as a scenic railway system situated in the old restored 1905 Canadian National Railway Station.  This railway offers 1-hour train rides in their restored early 1900s Pullman train cars pulled by a restored 1882 (4-4-0) stream locomotive (Old No. 3) to Grosse Isle and return.  These train rides give passengers an idea of what it was like to ride the train in the Winnipeg/Manitoba area at the turn of the century.  I had missed the scheduled Sunday train ride to Grosse Isle and headed back toward town to check out another museum.

Photo Credit: Bill Lites

On my way back downtown, to the “Hotel” for the evening, I stopped to visit the Winnipeg Railway Museum, located in the beautiful old 1911 Union Station building, but it was closed.  So, a few blocks from the Union Station I tried to visit the Fort Gary Horse Museum located in the old 1912 Armory building that was originally used by the 34thCanadian Army Calvery Regiment during WWI, but that museum was also closed.

Photo Credit: Bill Lites

By this time, I was getting hungry, and started looking for some place to eat (I didn’t want to have to resort to KFC again).  I spotted Smitty’s Restaurant & Lounge and decided to stop in for my evening meal.  I had their Fish & Chips plate (with Onion Rings instead of chips).  The Cod was deep-fried with an excellent batter and was wonderful, but the onion rings were absolutely the best I have ever had.  Yummm!  There was way too much food for me to eat at one sitting, so, I would be able to enjoy this leftover meal again tomorrow evening.  After that incredible meal, Greata (My Garmin) took me back to the “Hotel” and I was surprised, and pleased, that there was no hollering and banging of doors tonight.  There was no TV in the room, so I recorded my day’s activities and went to bed.  I had a surprisingly good night’s sleep.

—–To Be Continued—–

Bill is a retired Mechanical engineer living with his wonderful artist/writer wife, DiVoran, of 65 years in Titusville, Florida. He was born and raised in the Southwest, did a tour of duty with the U.S. Navy, attended Northrop University in Southern California and ended up working on America’s Manned Space Program for 35 years. He currently is retired and spends most of his time building and flying R/C model airplanes, traveling, writing blogs about his travels for Word Press and supporting his wife’s hobbies with framing, editing and marketing.  He also volunteers with a local church Car Care Ministry and as a tour guide at the Valiant Air Command Warbird Museum there in Titusville.  Bill has two wonderful children, two outstanding grandchildren, and a loving sister and her husband, all of whom also live in Central Florida, so he and DiVoran are rewarded by having family close to spend lots of quality time with.

One of Bill’s favorite Scriptures is:  John 10:10

We Don’t Fly-Part 2

19 Oct

On the Porch

Onisha Ellis

I’ve been looking back on our July Cruise vacation. We flew from Florida to Alaska. We had a lot of anxiety but didn’t feel we could turn down our daughter’s gift of an Alaska cruise, The flight to Vancouver was not ideal, but it wasn’t as nerve wracking as we feared. We were both able to relax For the return flight, our daughter downloaded movies to her iPad Pro for her dad to watch during the flight and he was a happy man.

Our hotel in Vancouver was in the same shopping strip as the famous Tim Horton Donut shop. Now I am a die-hard Krispy Kreme fan. People from up north swear by Tim Horton donuts, so we had to give them a try as they were practically next door. Plus my husband hasn’t found a donut he didn’t like.

This picture was taken the morning after our late and traumatic arrival in Vancouver, so he wasn’t looking too perky. The donuts did lift his spirits.

We made several visits to Tim Horton’s and after multiple “tastings” we gave them a rating, comparing them to Krispy Kreme and Dunkin Donuts.

Overall taste and texture Krispy Kreme was the winner, with Tim Horton a strong second and Dunkin Donuts in last place. Tim Horton did win first place in the apple fritter category, my husband’s favorite treat. Eating one is like enjoying a fried apple pie with a nice amount of apple bits. Dunkin Donuts came in last place.

Moving along back to our flying experience…Going through airport security was exasperating. Seeing our stuff going through a scanner ahead of us made me crazy. ANYONE could pick up our stuff. My husband was in a wheelchair and I was always ahead of him while they detained him.

Our daughter became so stressed trying to make sure my husband and I were ok that on the flights home, I agreed to being wheeled through the airport too. It kind of hurt my pride, but truth be told, the wheelchair escorts walked so fast I couldn’t keep up with them.

By the time our trip was over, we had overcame our fear of airplane travel. We would definitely be willing to fly again if anyone offers us a free vacation! Well, except for the scam caller who claimed to be from Expedia and offered me a too good to be true deal.