Tag Archives: Worry


14 Aug


Judy Wills


[In today’s world, this is very timely – 

please note that this was written in December – and now it is August]


Are you a worry-wart?  That’s a good old-fashioned phrase that my Mother used to say.

And what better time of year to be a worry-wart than December?  It always hits me in the face on December 1st that it is DECEMBER……and I don’t have a single THING purchased or made for ANYONE in the family!  Worry……worry….worry………what will I get everyone, and when will I have to mail the packages…..

And how will I EVER get the house decorated in time for it to be worthwhile?

And how will I EVER get all the Christmas cards done and in the mail before Christmas Eve?

And then there are the Christmas cookies to make…..

And how will I EVER …………   Well, you get the picture.

I found this cartoon (credit Charles Schultz) on facebook recently, and it made me realize just how worthless all that worry is.  See what you think.

And then, there is the directive from the scriptures that really just says it all:

Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

Matthew 6:27 

And here is the kicker:

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.

Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Matthew 6:34

Judy is living in Central Florida with her retired U.S. Air Force husband of 50+ years. Born in Dallas, Texas, she grew up in the Southwestern United States.She met her husband at their church, where he was attending the university in her town. After college and seminary, he entered the Air Force, and their adventures began.They lived in eight of our United States, and spent six years in Europe, where their oldest daughter was born. She was a stay-at-home mom for many years .

  Judy has always been involved with music, both playing the piano and singing. Always interested in exercise, she was an aerobic dancing instructor, as well as a piano teacher for many years, and continues to faithfully exercise at home.

After moving to Central Florida, she served as a church secretary for nearly nine years.Her main hobby at this point in time is scanning pictures and 35mm slides into the computer. She also enjoys scrapbooking.She and her husband have two married daughters and four grandchildren, including grandtwins as well as a great-grandson and a great-granddaughter. She and her husband enjoy the Disney parks as often as possible.

Three Steps to Peace in the Middle of Your Mess

18 Jun

Walking by Faith, Not by Sight

Janet Perez Eckles

Reblogged June 18, 2022

June 17, 2022

So, we’re dancing with gladness.  We grabbed a super deal on airline tickets. While our 401k plan is smiling, we pack suntan lotion and sunglasses. It’s vacation time.

Remember those days? Remember when life was easier? Folks got the flu and it was no big deal? The only time we saw masks was when surgeons or surgical nurses wore them?  Seems like that was a lifetime ago.

What we face now are masked people here and there and no one knows for sure why. Airline tickets makes us soar into shock. While our 401k plan cries out for help, we grit our teeth at the grocery bill. And when we fill the gas tank, we empty our bank account at the same time.

And to add more ugliness, reports of violence invade our peace. The bad news on the media reminds us we’re in the wilderness of gloom.

But we’re not alone.

The Israelites had their own wilderness, too. They focused on the pitiful and were infected by the virus of discontentment. “They spoke against God, saying, ‘Can God spread a table in the desert? When he struck the rock, water gushed out, and streams flowed abundantly. But can he also give us food? Can he supply meat for his people?’” (Psalm 78:19-20).

When God provided, they complained. When God was with them, they rebelled. When God protected them, they still whined. And when God made His promises, they doubted.

Sound familiar? We complain on social media, at the dinner table, at the grocery store. We whine about the ugly world situation. And in the complaining, doubt comes in. Like the Israelites, we question God, we doubt His provision, His help, and His power.

The good news is that we can change. 

Instead of gazing at the gloom, we catch a glimpse of the promise land. It comes to view when we take our eyes off the situation, off the tragedy before us, off the gloom upon us or the immorality within us.

Next, we turn down the volume of the world’s bad news. And turn up God’s voice. We increase the volume of His promises.

And over and over again we repeat His words that speak into the middle of the mess:

  1. When we’re weak with worry, He says, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6).
  2. When the economy downfall robs our financial security, God says, “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.” (Deuteronomy 33:27).
  3. When fear is about to eat us for lunch, “God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’ So, says with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid’” (Hebrews 13:5-6).

Equipped with the power of God’s promises, we don’t retreat, but lift our head high and move forth with boldness. When inflation rises, God’s power increases. When fuel gets more expensive, God’s provision becomes greater. When bad news bombard us, God’s truth shields us. When the world gets darker, His light glimmers brighter. When war breaks out, victory is His promise. Tomorrow may seem bleak, but God’s hope shines through.

Let’s Pray

Father, in the mess before me, I will choose to see You, trust in Your protection, hold on to Your promises, and to rely on Your provision. I embrace them all as the gift wrapped in your unfailing love. In Jesus name.

What brings peace to your mess?



I invite you to dance with me—celebrating one of my books, “Contagious Courage: A 30-Day Journey to Overcoming Stress and Anxiety.” Get your copy HERE and tell your friends, too.

Did you know I wrote a book filled with words of encouragement, uplifting thoughts and illustrations of real-life triumph to empower you? Its title, Trials of Today, Treasures for Tomorrow: Overcoming Adversities in Life. You can get it HERE.

CLICK HERE for a one-minute inspirational video.

Looking for a speaker for your upcoming event? A great speaker makes the difference between a so-so event and one that shines with impact. I invite you to view one of my two-minute videos HERE.

Please share: Feel free to share Janet’s posts with your friends.

Let’s connect:

An Opportunity for You

If God spoke to you through these writings, would you prayerfully consider joining us in spreading the goodness of Christ Jesus to those who are lost and hurting?

With immense gratitude, JC Empowerment Ministries welcomes your tax-deductible donations.

One click will take you to the place for your gift. You can GIVE HERE.

Thank you for helping the ministry reach souls!

Janet Eckles Perez

Some say she should be the last person to be dancing. Her life is summarized in this 3-minute video: http://bit.ly/1a8wGJR

Janet Perez Eckles’ story of triumph is marked by her work as an international speaker, #1 best-selling author, radio host, personal success coach and master interpreter. Although blind since 31, her passion is to help you see the best of life.



21 Mar

My Take

DIVoran Lites

Worries are a cause for sin.

Right away, when I begin

I carry them where they’ll harm,

And cause my soul the most alarm.

God says he wants to have the task

Of doing more than I can ask.

“Admit it, daughter, come to me.

I’ll share new thoughts and set you free.”

DiVoran has been writing for most of her life. Her first attempt at a story was when she was seven years old and her mother got a new typewriter. DiVoran got to use it and when her dad saw her writing he asked what she was writing about. DiVoran answered that she was writing the story of her life. Her dad’s only comment was, “Well, it’s going to be a very short story.” After most of a lifetime of writing and helping other writers, DiVoran finally launched her own dream which was to write a novel of her own. She now has her Florida Springs trilogy and her novel, a Christian Western Romance, Go West available on Amazon. When speaking about her road to publication, she gives thanks to the Lord for all the people who helped her grow and learn.  She says, “I could never have done it by myself, but when I got going everything fell beautifully into place, and I was glad I had started on my dream.”

From Dreaded to Delightful

24 Feb

On the Porch

Onisha Ellis

Since January I have been ignoring a date on my calendar. February 23, 2022. For months my time has revolved around caring for my husband. Taking him to doctors, finding a specialist, sending medical reports, coordinating appointments and managing the “arranging” of life. I didn’t feel I had time for February 23rd and truth be told, I was a bit afraid.

At my annual checkup with a specialist in January, the doctor suggested I undergo a diagnostic procedure, as a precaution. My initial thought was I don’t have time for this. Then I remembered that a cousin close to my age had died from a cancer my doctor was concerned about. I agreed to the test but pushed it until late February . I was just too busy.

The day before the procedure I was feeling all grumpy. In the past when my husband or I had to go to this particular diagnostic center, it seemed an appointment time was merely a suggestion. My procedure required nothing to eat or drink after midnight and I don’t do well without food and morning coffee.

Photo Credit-My husband taken at The Ark Encounter

Mid-afternoon the center called and asked if they could move my time to 7 am. Along with not doing well with the hangries. I am not an early morning person. I would have to wake up at 5:30 am.

Ark Encounter

Just as I was about to say no way, sanity hit me. 7 am would make me one of the first cases. No hours wait because they were running behind schedule. I could give up sleep for that perk.

From the time I woke, February 23rd turned from dreaded too delightful. I woke before my alarm and spent some time reading scripture and meditating on it. That always makes my day better. My daughter drove me to the diagnostic center in a nearby town. Traffic was light and we even had green lights at most of the traffic signals.

Once at the center, the staff was friendly and on time. Even the IV line went in smoothly. Not a bit of bruising either. The procedure went well and no signs of cancer were found. Hallelujah! And get this, next to the diagnostic center was a Dunkin Donuts and I really like their coffee.

After my coffee fix, I told my daughter I felt wide awake and let’s run her errands and have some fun. Our first stop was a discount store we had been wanting to visit and look for bargain books. We found some bargains but didn’t buy a single book.

Then it was back in the car to drive to another town to pick up a ship to store order. My original cup of coffee was history and we were both wanting more and as luck would have it, there was a coffee cafe, Bold Cup Coffee a few stores away from where the ship to store item was picked up.

I think it may have been new as neither of us had seen it before, We decided to give it a try and I am glad we did. We asked the barista what drink was her favorite. She recommended her families special brew, a Peruvian cafe con Leche. It was really good.

I think the caffeine was holding off the post-procedure sleepiness and I was ready for the next errand on my daughter’s list. So back on the road to yet another town to have her car serviced, washed, vacuumed and fill the gas tank. Oh, and the car dealership had free coffee, a brand named Jittery Joe. I had to try it but it didn’t come close to the flavor of the previous coffees.

With the errands complete we began to think about lunch. We didn’t see any place interesting along the interstate as we drove home so I decided we should splurge and dine at our local and famous seafood restaurant, Dixie Crossroads.

There was a twenty minute wait and the day was so beautiful, with a gentle breeze, we decided to wait outside. The restaurant has a small pond loaded with fish and turtles. The turtles were taking advantage of the beautiful day to get some sun.

My dreaded day became a delightful day shared with one of my favorite people.

I have become addicted to local roast. Who needs big chains? Well, except I really did enjoy my cup of Dunkin Donuts. Tomorrow we plan to try out a local coffee roaster close to our home. Can’t wait!

PS: Once we were home, I began to feel the effects of my morning anesthesia.I changed in Pjs and enjoyed a two hour nap!

Don’t be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests before God with over flowing gratitude. Tell him every detail of your life,

Philippians 4:6 The Passion Translation

I'm a winner

After my retirement, I decided to re-learn the canning and preserving skills I learned from my mother but hadn’t practiced for twenty years. I titled the blog Old Things R New to chronicle my experience.  Since then I have been blessed to have six other bloggers join me, DiVoran Lites, Bill Lites,  Judy Wills, Louise Gibson, Janet Perez Eckles and Melody Hendrix

In addition to blogging, I work as the publicist/marketer/ amateur editor and general  “mom Friday” for my author daughter, Rebekah Lyn. I also manage her website, Rebekah Lyn Books  

My 2021 goal is continue to use my love of photographs and words to be an encourager on social media.

Children and God-1

12 Apr

My Take

DiVoran Lites

 Photo Credit Pixabay

To read the Bible is to get reassurance from our Heavenly Father. A wonderful Christian I read about stated that he never worried. I believed him. Unfortunately for many of us, this is a worry-wart world, especially now in this dark time of Covid 19 and ruthless leaders. However, I’m concentrating more on our Father God than on the problems; that’s what gives me peace.  

From what I’ve heard, God has started the greatest revival the world has ever known. That means a possible billion, or however many people of the world God chooses or those who choose Him. When it is time, people will settle in and give their hearts and souls to Jesus, the Son of God who died for our sins. We can worry less because we are the beloved children of God, and we are cleansed in the blood of the Lord Jesus. All we need to do is to acknowledge that he died for our sins and turn our lives over to him.

No one does life better than God.

When our son and daughter were still at home, we prayed with and for them. The neighborhood kids came back after supper to hear the Bible stories read by Bill. The whole bunch of them were doing well in school and playing in the woods. They still had plenty of problems and questions to deal with, though, because they were children and still needed to be trained in the art of becoming adults. That was why I was so thrilled to come across the following scriptures. 

Isaiah 54:10-14 says, “And all your children shall be taught of the Lord.

[and obedient to His will], and great shall be the peace and undisturbed composure of your children. Amplified Bible

John 6::45 says, “It is written in the book of the prophets, (Isaiah 54:15)

And they shall all be taught of the Lord, have Him in person for their teacher.” 

Photo Credit Pixabay

It is wonderful to know that God has been and still is teaching our children about Himself. If we turn our problems over to our Heavenly Father, we don’t need to worry so much. It is useless to try to fix things with our minds or any other human mind. We need to go directly to God and open the door to be told what He wants us to do.  Getting counsel can be necessary, but we still need to continue to check everything with God first. (And rebuke evil while we’re at it.) 

God loves the children and has given them as gifts to Himself and us. Thank you, Lord, for all the children in the world. Bless them and make their lives good.  

DiVoran has been writing for most of her life. Her first attempt at a story was when she was seven years old and her mother got a new typewriter. DiVoran got to use it and when her dad saw her writing he asked what she was writing about. DiVoran answered that she was writing the story of her life. Her dad’s only comment was, “Well, it’s going to be a very short story.” After most of a lifetime of writing and helping other writers, DiVoran finally launched her own dream which was to write a novel of her own. She now has her Florida Springs trilogy and her novel, a Christian Western Romance, Go West available on Amazon. When speaking about her road to publication, she gives thanks to the Lord for all the people who helped her grow and learn.  She says, “I could never have done it by myself, but when I got going everything fell beautifully into place, and I was glad I had started on my dream.”


1 Feb

My Take

DiVoran Lites

Photo credit Pixabay

My mother and grandmother were worry-warts, and I took after them. That was the reason I was so surprised when I read a book by an old-timer pastor that said he never worried. I had not known that it was possible. Right then I decided to try to figure out how to stop worrying,

Photo credit Pixabay

I’m re-reading a journal from 2004 and am appalled at how many worries I penned into it. My prayers sounded more like panic attacks. I wanted to do something to fulfill my commitment to Christ, so I wrote troubled stories people told me and asked God to help. That is called intercession. I’m sure those prayers were answered. All prayers are. And we must know that we aren’t praying alone. The world is full of intercessors and prayer warriors, and it’s great to know that Jesus/Holy Spirit is always praying for us. If we have asked him to become our Savior, he’s in our spirit and always aware of what’s going on with us and our prayer friends. 

Photo credit Pixabay

Now that we are quarantined and don’t have a lot to do and don’t see a lot of people, I’ve come to the place where I feel satisfied with life. I’m not begging God to help me anymore or trying to come up with answers on my own. I’m asking for Him to just tell me where to go and what to think.  One of the best teachers I’ve known: brain specialist, Dr. Caroline Leaf (a dedicated Christian) teaches people how not to worry. I took her online course, and it helped a great deal. Now I try to listen to God more than I talk to Him. He always comes through with the answers and I’m glad to say, I have more faith and thanksgiving and fewer misgivings than ever, which is quite fulfilling. 

“The Holy Spirit takes hold of us in our human frailty, to impower us in our weakness. For example, at times we don’t even know how to pray, or know the best things to ask for. But the Holy Spirit rises within us to super-intercede on our behalf, pleading to God with emotional sighs too deep for words.”   Romans 8:26 The Passion Translation

Dr Caroline Leaf offers a 21 Day Brain Detox.

 Song, “He Has Made Me Glad 

DiVoran has been writing for most of her life. Her first attempt at a story was when she was seven years old and her mother got a new typewriter. DiVoran got to use it and when her dad saw her writing he asked what she was writing about. DiVoran answered that she was writing the story of her life. Her dad’s only comment was, “Well, it’s going to be a very short story.” After most of a lifetime of writing and helping other writers, DiVoran finally launched her own dream which was to write a novel of her own. She now has her Florida Springs trilogy and her novel, a Christian Western Romance, Go West available on Amazon. When speaking about her road to publication, she gives thanks to the Lord for all the people who helped her grow and learn.  She says, “I could never have done it by myself, but when I got going everything fell beautifully into place, and I was glad I had started on my dream.”

Can you pass this test on how to get rid of worry?

22 Apr

Walking by Faith, Not by Sight

Janet Perez Eckles



Reblog April7, 2017


We sat for lunch outside the Christian camp. And a warm Cuba breeze brushed through. I shooed a fly, and then another and another. “I’m used to this,” I said to my friend beside me. “When my family and I lived in Bolivia, flies buzzed all over. No one complained. We accepted the nuisance as part of life.”

And although in the United States, flies have no place, worry does. Its effects buzz around and show up no matter how often we try to shoo them away.

Here’s what I discovered: Worry is a language, a specific way of communicating with God. Our worry talks to God. Which of these is your worry telling God?

  • You are not capable of resolving what causes me fear.
  • You are not able to rescue me on time.
  • You are not aware of the details of my situation.
  • You are not able to heal my hurting heart or restore my broken plans.
  • You are not powerful enough to protect me from the evil one or from his lies.

If you checked at least one, you got a low score as you’re talking the language of worry…unacceptable to Him and destructive to us.

Worry-talk contradicts God’s Word and discounts His promises.

But what if we use the language of faith? We would speak of God’s strength. We would declare of His mighty power to correct the wrong, to heal the wounds and to soothe the pain.

Believing He can, we in turn can shoo worry away, bringing peace back. And once in the place of peace we repeat what God has been saying through the ages. “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own (Matthew 6:34).

If we listen, we’d be singing, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust…” (Psalm 91:2b)

Pray with me: Father, Thank you that my worry dies in the truth of your Word. Thank you for that freedom. Thank you for your power at work in me to live with reassurance instead. In Jesus’ name, amen.

What has been worrying your heart lately?



Source: Can you pass this test on how to get rid of worry? ~ Janet Perez Eckles

Three things we must do when our world turns dark. | Janet erez Eckles

28 May

Walking by Faith, Not by Sight

Janet Perez Eckles

His Way


That short hour the other night without electricity reminded me how wimpy I had become. Back in Bolivia where I was born, electricity and water only lasted till noon. And we adjusted, thought of it as normal and never thought to complain.

“Honey!” I called to my hubby the other night, “the phone is dead.”

“Everything is dead,” he said. “The electricity went out.”

You see, for this blind gal, the fact there are no lights is no big deal. But when the phone or the computer don’t work…that’s major stuff.

My lights went off recently in a different way. I witnessed one of my closest friend suffer with a sorrowful situation with her family. Adversity seemed to darken her life with no warning. And her heartache and worry became mine. We prayed together on the phone and we asked for God’s intervention. As we did, God used the centurion’s story to remind me of the three truths to cling to when darkness hovers:

  1. Jesus is attentive to our own sorrow, to small and big details, as well as when we pray for others. “When Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion came to him, asking for help. ‘Lord,’ he said, ‘my servant lies at home paralyzed and in terrible suffering.’” (Matthew 8:5)
  2. If we turn to Jesus, place all that aches before Him and wait; we’ll find He’s willing to answer. “He said to him, ‘I will go and heal him.’ The centurion replied, ‘Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed.’” (Matthew 8:8)
  3. Jesus observes our level of trust, our belief and our faith. “When Jesus heard this, he was astonished and said to those following him, ‘I tell you the truth. I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.’” (Matthew 8: 10)

How much faith will you have as you place all your requests before Jesus?


Source: Three things we must do when our world turns dark. | Janet Perez Eckles



The Terror of the Night

28 Sep

My Take

DiVoran Lites

Terror of the Night png

Psalm 91:5

In the darkness of the night,
I awaken, filled with fright.
I get out of cozy bed,
Bugs a buzzing in my head.
All my joy is left behind.
Where can I find peace of mind?

Oh, what if…my worry cries
What if someone precious dies?
What if I am all alone?
How, for that, could I atone?

“Come to Jesus,” says a voice.
You will always have a choice.
Will you hand to me this knot?
I will calm you on the spot.
Can you praise and thank me now,
Knowing I will act somehow?

Where could I go?


1 Dec


My Take

DiVoran Lites

Author, Poet and ArtistI’ve heard people say that they never worry, especially Christians since they condemn worry as a sin. They’re right, it comes from fear. But have you ever really met anyone who never worries at all? I haven’t. I sometimes worry about the strangest things. I worry about being useful to God. I worry about doing everything right so that the ones I love will love me, I worry about our health as we grow older, and here’s one that goes with love, I worry about being alone and lonely.

Lately, though I’ve been getting good results from praying about my worries as they come up. I pray that I will know the real truth of a situation, I thank God for it, and I let go of trying to figure it out for myself.

The number one human rule if you’re worrying is to do something good for somebody else. But you know what? I then worry about exactly what I should do. I wish I had not spent all the brain power I’ve spent trying to figure out what volunteer organization to join or who needs my help.

One day, I just said, okay. I give up. I don’t want to join a new organization. I don’t want to add to my should do list, and I don’t need someone else planning things for me to do for other people.

After giving up I told the Lord, it was his job to tell me what to do and when. I would watch for his His movement. Meanwhile I could stick with what I knew beyond doubt were my personal callings. For me it would be things like keeping my husband happy and well fed and both of us in the best health possible. It would be having my family’s backs, worship, prayer, writing, teaching Sunday school. That sort of thing.

But do you need to know what I’m called to do? I’d say no. I’d say you need to know what God has called you to focus on.

What’s happening now is that I do have time to fulfill my calling or callings, but also He works divine appointments and divine interruptions gently into my routine so that life never gets boring. As a matter of fact, I’m having more fun, feeling less lonely, and enjoying more adventures than ever before in my life. So rules are okay, but divine inspiration and serendipities are so much better.