Hope in Growth

1 Mar

Guest Post

Rebekah Lyn

Reblogged from Rebekah Lyn’s Kitchen

As a teenager, I visited the local zoo and had a close encounter with a bird in the aviary. It landed on my head and its feet became tangled in my long hair. I recall my boyfriend at the time finding it hilarious before he helped shoo the bird away. That gave birth to a healthy distrust of birds for many years.

Jump ahead to 2010. My parents bought a place in North Carolina and we spent a good deal of time on the back porch whenever I visited. They had bird feeders, and I found myself enjoying the finches, nuthatches, cardinals, eastern towhees, and tufted titmice that flitted in for a bite to eat. As time passed, the porch was extended and a hummingbird feeder added.

By 2019, I enjoyed the birds so much, I sought out a unique experience during a trip to Ireland, a morning with a falconer. My friend and I had the chance to hold a hawk, a falcon, and a couple of owls. We sent them out in flight and received them back on our arms and I absolutely loved it! When I posted a short video on social media, my friends who knew about my fear of birds couldn’t believe it.

My friends didn’t see the gradual change in my heart toward birds. They just saw this surprising image of me with a bird of prey on my arm and a grin on my face. Similarly, when we first ask Jesus into our lives, or when we renew our faith by spending more time with Him, our lives should reflect a change that makes those around us ask what has happened.

What does all this have to do with hope? The apostle Peter said, “In His great mercy He has given us new birth and a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil, or fail.” (1 Peter 1:3-4)

Followers of Jesus have a living hope in Him that provides comfort and encouragement through all things. We grow in this hope as we study the Bible, fellowship with other believers, and pray. We move from a fear of death to a delight in eternal life in the company of the Almighty God. That is something to get excited about and want to shout from the rooftops. Is there anyone who wouldn’t welcome a life without physical pain or illness, without hate and anger? Eternity with God, in harmony and rejoicing, was the plan for us all along.

When I sit on the patio or take Ollie for a walk and hear the song of the hawks that live nearby, I no longer fear they will land on my head. Instead, I remember the thrill of holding one of these magnificent birds and how much God has changed my life. That change is available to you too.

Don’t forget to check out the resources page I am developing with content I have found encouraging, that has taken me deeper in my walk with God, and generally builds my hope.

One Response to “Hope in Growth”

  1. divoran09 March 1, 2024 at 8:31 am #

    I loved your bird piece. You are a fine writer. Thanks.


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