Hope in the Way

22 Jun

Guest Post

Rebekah Lyn

Reblog Rebekah Lyn’s Kitchen

Summer is road trip season. My family had the blessing of taking incredible road trips, reaching as far north as Newfoundland, Canada, and as far west as the eastern edge of British Columbia. Mom diligently studied maps and AAA TripTiks to plan the best routes, and we were lucky to seldom come across detours.

If only our lives were so blessed. Detours happen when we least expect them and when they are most inconvenient. Rarely are they enjoyable so it’s easy to pout that we aren’t getting our way when we have to bend to the will of others – be that road crews or disrupted plans.

As Jesus’ days on Earth grew shorter, He spoke to His disciples about the way ahead of them. In John 14, Jesus tells them that He is going to prepare a place for them in His Father’s house and that they know the way to the place where He is going. Thomas is brave enough to question this, as they don’t yet understand where Jesus is going.

Thomas asked, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” (John 14:5) This is something we all grapple with at some point. Where is God leading in this situation? How can I follow when I can’t see the path? My GPS doesn’t have a destination, so how can it route me?

Jesus’ answer was simple. “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well.” (John 14:6-7) We get to know Jesus by spending time with Him, praying, studying His word, serving others, and listening for His voice.

When our life takes an unexpected detour and there are no signs showing us the way, we can place our reliance on God to direct our steps, but only if we attune ourselves to Him. He is our hope in the darkness, our signpost on the unfamiliar road. We have to accept that there are reasons for the changes in our plans that we may never understand. Our ways are not always God’s ways and we have to trust that His ways are better for us.

The only way that truly matters is His Way, the way of life, truth, and eternal relationship with the Father. Walking in that way doesn’t guarantee a smooth trip, but it does guarantee a place for us in the eternal kingdom. That is a much better destination than any we can imagine here on Earth.

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