Tag Archives: Photography Tricks

My Most Meaningful Picture

22 Nov

A Time to Live

Melody Hendrix

Everyone has a favorite meaningful photo that brings back memories. I have plenty I love of family and friends, but taking this picture was the most exciting I have ever experienced. Here is the story.
My friend Pat and I are picture taking addicts. We love learning new abilities and tricks. We woke about 4 am from our hotel on St Augustine beach one summer morning. She says we should just go out and take our cameras to the beach. As we walked towards the water, I realized it was totally dark. I could barely see my hands in front of my face. I told her we were crazy to be doing this. As we got to the very calm waters, she said she had learned some things about night photography. We stood in the shallows and put our cameras on our tripods and after some adjustments to the camera, I pressed the shutter button. I waited…. and waited…. and wondered if something was wrong because I wasn’t hearing the shutter close. Then finally it finished taking the picture. It took a while to show up on the screen, but when it did, I screamed with delight.
This picture is what I saw. Now keep in mind it was still totally dark. How could this be? This was the beginning of my love for night photography. You see, the light, know matter how dim, keeps collecting on the sensor until it has enough to expose the magnificent cobalt blue sky and the wonderful silhouette of the pier. The water and waves smoothed out by its continuous recorded movement. You can see the birth of a new day and the landscape you would miss forever if it wasn’t for the beloved instrument called a camera.
St Augustine Beach

St Augustine Beach



I am retired and enjoying life. My hobbies are my 5 grandchildren, son and daughter, and my loving husband. I am a photographer and extreme nature lover. I love spending time in my garden or in the wilderness connected to God my Creator.