Seeking Peace-In the Everyday

9 Aug

My husband asked what I planned to do today. “I’m not sure, just piddling around,” I answered. I needed to put a clean cloth on the dining table and I wanted to spend some time working on new tweets for Rebekah Lyn Books.

I usually work on my computer at the dining alcove table so I decided to change the tablecloth first. I knew that staring at a task undone would annoy me.

I enjoy choosing a fresh tablecloth and had one in mind as I opened the drawer, a cheerful one with splashes of blues and flowers. But lying on top was a vintage tablecloth that had belonged to my mom. For years I didn’t use it because it is about 2 inches shorter than my table, then one day I said, what the heck. Each time I use it now, I am reminded of delicious meals and interesting conversation around the table. For me, the the tablecloth represents love.

I spread the cloth and began to choose what other items to add. Yesterday my husband brought in a yellow gladiola and I had placed it in a tall hot pink vase, enjoying the vibrant colors. I definitely wanted to enjoy it on the table.

When I turned 50 my family threw me a surprise birthday party. I received a flower pot in the shape of a VW van with flowers and peace symbols on it. I was a child of the Flower Power generation. I can’t remember if it was a gift or a decoration. For decades it has been simply a decoration on a shelf. A pleasant memory.

This year I decided to put it to use as it was intended, a flower pot. In Florida, I loved a plant called pink splash or polka dot plant as some are also green and white.. The plant was hard to grow as it does not flourish in the heat and I killed them summer after summer. The first time I grew them In North Carolina, I was shocked at how rapidly they grew and how large. Definitely not a small house plant.

For my flower power pot, I planted cuttings from the ones by my front door and they rooted immediately. Then I waited a week until they were healthy enough to trim. I didn’t want leggy plants.

The final object on my memory table, that’s what I began to call it as I wrote this piece, is a hot pad my daughter gave me as a souvenir from her Ireland trip. On our family trips each summer, I would purchase a hot pad with a picture of the place we visited as my souvenir memory. So this item touches memories past and present.

If you have been reading her blogs detailing the trip, you know how appropriate the umbrella is!

After all this chatter, here is the picture of my memory table. It is certainly not decorator quality, but it makes me smile and soothes my heart.

Often the slow times in our day can lead us to focus on the negative and we end up dissatisfied and angry. To guard against this, I find it helpful to remember the excellent advice of Phlippians 4:8.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

OOPS! I forgot the most important thing I needed to do this day. Make my husband a Keto peanut butter pie for his birthday tomorrow. He has lost 68 pounds!

6 Responses to “Seeking Peace-In the Everyday”

  1. divoran09 August 9, 2019 at 9:31 pm #

    I can’t get this post to open. What is WP doing now?

    Love, DiVoran


    • Onisha Ellis August 10, 2019 at 12:06 pm #

      WP has its quirks. I have yet to figure them all out.


  2. Onisha Ellis August 9, 2019 at 4:21 pm #

    Do you remember the yellow VW pot?


  3. itsrebekahlyn August 9, 2019 at 4:13 pm #

    Love the table. Can’t wait to get there and see everything!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Daniel Kemp August 9, 2019 at 2:38 pm #

    How many calories are there in a peanut butter pie, Onisha? I’ve heard and had, when much younger, a peanut butter sandwich, but not a pie.


    • Onisha Ellis August 9, 2019 at 4:20 pm #

      Fortunately, we count carbs, not calories. A slice has around total 7.2 carbs. Sadly, we can no longer eat peanut butter sandwiches as bread is a big no. Thanks for stopping by.


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