Worst Friend Ever

10 Jan

On the Porch

Onisha Ellis


Ten days ago I was sure I was the worst best friend ever. My precious friend, Marie was scheduled for a lumpectomy in South Carolina and I wanted to be with her. We were winding up our time in North Carolina and were heading back to Florida in a few days. Our daughter, Rebekah had flown up for Christmas and we were all driving home together.

Shortly after my friend told me about the surgery, I made up my mind that I was not going back to Florida. We could fly our daughter home. I went so far as finding a flight that would leave North Carolina on the same day she would have left anyway. It was a do-able price. I texted our friend, Pam who blesses us by doing the “airport run” whenever Rebekah flies and she was available. Next I ran our upcoming appointments through my mind. Would I be missing anything important? Quickly I moved my hair appointment off the list then moved on to an eye appointment. I had a cornea transplant in October and was still on the monthly check-up schedule. Due to the holidays I was already two weeks late, so what were two more? As my hand hovered over the buy now button, the very soft voice of the Holy Spirit asked, “have you prayed about this?” Of course I hadn’t, I was reacting with emotion. Reluctantly I moved my finger away from the button.

“Lord,” I prayed, “you know how very much I want to be with my dear friend and I know she wants me to be with her. I don’t know why I shouldn’t be there but I am giving it up to you. Please give me your peace about this and could you do it by morning, there are only two flights left for Rebekah.”.

The next morning, as I prayed the answer was go home, no explanation. “Lord,” I thought, “you must have something very special planned for Marie, someone who can meet her needs far better than I could.”

My eye appointment was the same day as Marie’s surgery. I chatted with the technician as I went through the preliminary tests. We talked about having the flu and how badly it sapped one’s energy. She left me to wait for the doctor and I spent the time wondering if my vision in the transplant eye seemed fuzzy or was it just my imagination.

The first words from my doctor’s mouth after hello, was “I hear you had flu. Did you increase the steroid drops?”

I hadn’t even thought about increasing the drops or calling the eye doctor. It turns out I am having a rejection episode due to my immune system’s response to the flu. Thankfully, it appears I am in early rejection and with increased doses of steroid drops total rejection may be avoided.  Like pieces of a puzzle snapping together I understood God’s answer. Once again I am in awe of how intimately God knows and cares for his children.

Isaiah 49:14-16

12 Responses to “Worst Friend Ever”

  1. fuonlyknew January 12, 2013 at 6:08 pm #

    You are a wonderful friend and Marie is wonderful to you. God took care of both of you. Rest easy Onisha and use your eyedrops:)


    • Onisha Ellis January 16, 2013 at 8:07 pm #

      God did take wonderful care of us. I had to set my phone to remind me of the drops. So far both my eye and the phone reminders are working well.


  2. DiVoran Lites January 10, 2013 at 2:49 pm #

    It’s a good thing to be reminded that He wants to input on our best impulses and not just on our not so good ones. I for one, need that reminder often too.


    • oldthingsrnew January 11, 2013 at 11:00 am #

      We all need the reminder, don’t we? I enjoyed our time together yesterday. It was like a tonic.


  3. revhheineman January 10, 2013 at 11:46 am #

    A great lesson to remember. We all to often act on our emotions instead of listening for God or acting on truth. I hope you continue to mend.


  4. ludyja January 10, 2013 at 9:55 am #

    Sometimes it’s hard being the best friend – and not being able to do what you want to help that person. So many times I’ve wanted……………


    • oldthingsrnew January 10, 2013 at 11:24 am #

      Fortunately I am blessed with a friend who totally supported my decison even though we had no idea of the why behind it.


  5. oldthingsrnew January 10, 2013 at 9:53 am #

    Thanks, Jan. for the kind words. Marie’s lumpectomy went well, no surprises.Thanks for mentioning the drops, I had forgotten my 9:30 dose.


  6. Jan Romes January 10, 2013 at 9:18 am #

    Incredible post that touched me, Onisha! You are a wonderful friend to Marie. (I hope her lumpectomy went well) I know it was hard to leave NC but you listened to God even though you didn’t quite understand. :-)) I hope that the increased doses of the steriod drops so your eye won’t reject the cornea. Have said a prayer for your situation. Love, Jan


    • Linda Lewis January 16, 2013 at 6:09 pm #

      I’m glad Marie’s surgery went well, and I’m happy you saw the eye doctor in time for him to increase your steroid drops. I hope the increased dosage works, Onisha.


      • Onisha Ellis January 16, 2013 at 8:06 pm #

        Linda, my check up today brought good news! The rejection is not totally reversed but I am headed in the right directon.


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