Let’s Eat!-Part 3

30 Jun


Judy Wills

Still thinking of our/my time in Albuquerque, New Mexico, growing up, and the places where we liked to eat.  Of course we discovered McDonald’s and their 15 cent hamburgers (still love their french fries!).  

Credit Pixabay

There was an eatery on the corner of Central Avenue (main street of Albuquerque, U.S. Route 66) and San Mateo, called Bimbo’s.  As teenagers we used to go there a lot.  They had good burgers, but I also learned to love hot fudge sundae’s there!  Had my first one there, and did a repeat often.  I’m surprised I didn’t weigh a ton from all the french fries, burgers and hot fudge sundaes I ate! 

Credit Pixabay

I asked Bill (my brother) if there were other eateries he liked that I haven’t mentioned.  Here is his response:


The only restaurant I can think of that you haven’t already listed was a little Mom and Pop restaurant (Can’t remember the name ) I discovered, on fourth Street downtown, where I took DiVoran and my friend Bud for a celebration meal (can’t remember what occasion).  We had a T-bone steak (cooked to order) with two sides and iced tea for $1.00+4 cents tax each. I took DiVoran there a lot. I’ll let you know if I think of any other places.   Don’t forget the Fitzgerald‘s ice cream after church every Sunday night on Granny’s homemade cherry pie.

To elaborate on the “Granny’s homemade cherry pie” that Bill mentioned…either mother or Granny would make a cherry pie most Sunday afternoons.  Following church on Sunday evening, we would stop by Fitzgerald’s to pick up a pint of homemade vanilla ice cream to go on top of that cherry pie.  Man was that good!  We didn’t have microwave ovens then, so we didn’t warm up the pie – but it was still good with Fitzgerald’s ice cream on it!

The Mom and Pop that Bill mentioned – there are so many eateries along Fourth Street…and the possibility it isn’t in existence anymore…makes it impossible to find the place now.  And Fourth Street is one of the main North/South arteries in Albuquerque.  Central Avenue (U.S. Route 66) is East/West, with downtown being the main area, and Fourth Street the other direction.  

Not directly in Albuquerque, there was a steak house in Santa Fe where we went occasionally.  It was about 90 miles away, and on the interstate it didn’t take too long to travel (at 70 mph!).  Fred’s remembers it was called the “U and I Steakhouse.”   The steak would just about fill the plate, and along with that was a vegetable and Texas Toast and a drink.  All that for $1.50!  And the steak was so tender you could cut it with the fork!  No knife needed!

I don’t remember many other places where we went to eat in Albuquerque that I haven’t mentioned.  Those were the days where we ate at home more than eating out.  Not enough money, Mother’s homemade meals were the best (Daddy was a hunter, so we ate a lot of venison meals – steaks, roasts, chili, etc.), bbq at home, etc.  

~~~~~~~~~~To Be Continued~~~~~~~~~~

Judy is living in Central Florida with her retired U.S. Air Force husband of 50+ years. Born in Dallas, Texas, she grew up in the Southwestern United States.She met her husband at their church, where he was attending the university in her town. After college and seminary, he entered the Air Force, and their adventures began.They lived in eight of our United States, and spent six years in Europe, where their oldest daughter was born. She was a stay-at-home mom for many years .

  Judy has always been involved with music, both playing the piano and singing. Always interested in exercise, she was an aerobic dancing instructor, as well as a piano teacher for many years, and continues to faithfully exercise at home.

After moving to Central Florida, she served as a church secretary for nearly nine years.Her main hobby at this point in time is scanning pictures and 35mm slides into the computer. She also enjoys scrapbooking.She and her husband have two married daughters and four grandchildren, including grandtwins as well as a great-grandson and a great-granddaughter. She and her husband enjoy the Disney parks as often as possible.

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