From Grime to Shine

28 Jun

On the Porch

Onisha Ellis

Spring came late to our house. Well, the actual season came on time, but Spring cleaning didn’t happen until summer.

I am not the best housekeeper. I tend to think that when windows need to be cleaned, it is time to get new windows-or move. Since neither are currently an option, my husband and I decided to tackle the chore, but slowly.

For the slow start, I chose two windows in our dining area. Our drapes are quite long and are mounted almost at the ceiling. My husband took them down for me, then I set about cleaning.

I had no idea if the drapes were machine washable or needed to be dry cleaned. Once the pair were down, I searched for a label with washing instructions. As none was found, I decided to go for the dry clean option. Fortunately, a year ago I purchased a package of Woolite dry cleaning cloths to use in the dryer. I removed the top rings and tossed them in, not sure how they would come out. It was a success! They looked like new and had a faintly fresh scent. All in all, I like this method over machine washable as there would have been a chance I would have needed to…horrors-iron!

While the curtains were bouncing in the dryer, I went to work on the windows. We are blessed to have the type that can be dropped open so that one can clean the outside from the inside. Our windows are high off the ground and without this feature, I would have needed to stand on a ladder outside. And that would not happen. We would have to move.

After I finished the dining area windows, I moved to the guest bedroom. Once again, my husband was needed to take the curtain rod down and then I set to cleaning feeling a lot more optimistic about the chore. I was pleased with my first effort at cleaning windows and drapery and decided that Thursday we would tackle the living room with its four long windows.

I use the word tackle as this room would require moving furniture to gain easy access to the windows. I know some women delight in moving furniture to different locations. I am not one of them. As the Beatles once sang, “Let it be” is my motto about furniture.

My husband was feeling poorly on Tuesday, hence my solitary work on the windows, but Thursday he was better and offered to help.

Offer accepted!

As these windows are harder to reach, the window blinds were in sore need of a good cleaning. After a couple of false starts, we hit on a good method to clean them. We used the duster part of a Swifter (removed the handle) to clean the surface dust followed by a thorough washing using disposable sanitizing wipes left over from flu season. Due to their high alcohol content the blinds dried quickly with no drips or smears.

Like Tuesday, I put the draperies in the dryer. These windows required three loads to clean them all but they were done by the time we finished the windows. We knew these windows were a big job, so we took a short break after each one, drank some water and relaxed. At this point, I had begun to enjoy the task. There was something soothing about methodically turning grime into shine. In fact, it must have soothed my husband too as he promptly took to his bed for a nap once the job was done.

I left the blinds pulled up the rest of the day. I had forgotten how much I enjoy looking out of these windows.

There are more windows to clean but I need to purchase additional dry cleaning sheets. I think a day off to do some shopping and enjoy the outdoors will be my plan for today.

I survived window cleaning and came to enjoy it.Who knew that was possible? Do you have a task that you avoid or dread?

I'm a winnerAfter my retirement, I decided to re-learn the canning and preserving skills I learned from my mother but hadn’t practiced for twenty years. I titled the blog Old Things R New to chronicle my experience.  Since then I have been blessed to have six other bloggers join me, DiVoran Lites, Bill Lites,  Judy Wills, Louise Gibson, Janet Perez Eckles and Melody Hendrix

In addition to blogging, I work as the publicist/marketer/ amateur editor and general  “mom Friday” for my author daughter, Rebekah Lyn. I also manage her website, Rebekah Lyn Books  where we frequently host the best in up and coming authors.

My 2019 goal is to use my love of photographs and words to be an encourager on social media. You can visit Real Life Books and Media You Tube Channel if you would like to view some of the mini-videos I have created for our church, Gateway Community in Titusville, Fl.

3 Responses to “From Grime to Shine”

  1. itsrebekahlyn June 29, 2019 at 8:48 am #

    I love moving furniture around. Being locked into my current arrangement is so maddening I periodically look for new houses then I remember how much my power bill will increase and I work to accept my surroundings. Now that you are a pro at window washing, wang to go mine? đŸ˜ƒ


  2. divoran09 June 28, 2019 at 4:19 pm #

    five stars, great writing!


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