Just. One. Book.

15 Jun

On the Porch

Onisha Ellis

I am reblogging  this post and asking if you can help. This school library has almost NO BOOKS. I know that several of our followers are poets and this school would love some poetry books. If you click the link to the original post, you will find information about sending books.


By Margaret Garcia

Just. One. Book.

I live in a town of 1200 people in the Northern Sierra Nevada –where it meets the Cascade Range near Mt. Lassen National Park and about two hours drive northwest of Reno, NV.  Two hundred of that population is students. Over the years as the population dwindled after mines closed, then mills–nothing except tourism and retirement have emerged as ‘industries.’ Many businesses have closed down and with it many things we take for granted—like libraries.

The local junior/senior high school has not been able to purchase new books since the 90s. Some of the “check outs” for old books are in the 1980s. There are no books by people of color in the library. Hardly any books by women are in the few book cases except your standard Austen and Lee. It’s an uninviting place. There hasn’t been a librarian for nearly a decade. And volunteers weren’t allowed. The last eight years students couldn’t even check out books.


But all that is changing now.

Greenville Junior/Senior High School and Indian Valley Academy, which share the library space have new leadership which are welcoming the idea of revamping the library. Both principals want to see the area’s students supported and reading. Like most of rural America we have no budget for such things as books, film, music , and other media and arts.

We need racially diverse books. We need graphic novels. We need women’s studies. We need science. We need series. We need film. We need comics. We need music. We need biographies of important people. Looking for Young Adult. Classics. We want zines! Contemporary. Poetry. Everything that would make a difference in a young person’s life. Writers send us YOUR BOOK. We have many non-readers who we’d love to turn on to reading. We need a way to take this tiny area and bring it into the 21st century. We have a whole bunch of kids who don’t like to read because all they’ve ever been given is things that are either dull , dated, or dumbed down.

Please, please click the link and consider sending a book. You can have one sent directly from Amazon if you don’t want to mail one yourself.

Source: Just. One. Book. – Throwing Chanclas

4 Responses to “Just. One. Book.”

  1. Onisha Ellis June 16, 2016 at 11:08 am #

    If sending during the month of July (when school is closed) please send to

    Library Project/Margaret Garcia

    PO Box 585

    Greenville, CA 95947


  2. Onisha Ellis June 16, 2016 at 11:07 am #

    If you would like to send a book before July here is the address

    Greenville High School/Indian Valley Academy

    Library Project Attn: Margaret Garcia

    117 Grand Street

    Greenville, CA 95947


  3. Louise Gibson June 16, 2016 at 8:41 am #

    OH MY! i can’t imagine a person, especially a child with an inquisitive mind, deprived of the joy of having books to read. I treasure good books and would love to share some with those seeking wisdom and pleasure that comes from reading.


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