Look Who Came for a Visit-Part 2

11 Oct


Judy Wills

Nearly two years ago, I wrote about critters we see here in Florida, birds, water birds, and especially the “visit” we had from a doe in our backyard.  (Please see my post of December 30, 2018 – Look who came for a visit) Fred and I have been thrilled with the wildlife we see here in this wonderful state. 

But the visit from the deer is especially thrilling.  She did not seem to be afraid, but watched me closely as I took her picture.

Well, I was startled to see her – I like to think it’s the same doe – recently in our backyard again.  But this time, she was laying down, seeming to be just resting!  I have enhanced the pictures, since I took them through the glass door and the screened-in patio. 

I continued to watch her for about half- an-hour, alternating between watching the French Open Tennis Tournament on TV, and her.  She would watch me some, then look down the alley between our house and the next-door-neighbor’s fence.  She was in a spot where she could see that, and also into our and our other neighbor’s yards.  She was very attentive.

So imagine my surprise when I looked back at her after some time, to see her standing up – and her spotted fawn was nursing! 

My heart was full!   As I watched, amazed, the fawn’s tail was going 90-miles-an-hour!  What a delight.  I did have a bit of trouble getting a good picture of the fawn nursing – either the bushes were in the way, or the screen door and door post were in the way.  But after the fawn stopped eating, I think I was able to get some good pictures.

Back to the TV for a few seconds – and when I looked back – they were gone!  I missed seeing them leave, like I had wanted to do.  Shucks!! 

When I was describing this  event to a friend, she asked what time of day it occurred.  When I told her it was “2:00 in the afternoon,” she was amazed.  As she said, usually these animals come out in the early morning.  So the afternoon was an unusual time for the doe and her fawn to be out.  It was wonderful!

But it was such a thrill to see that – right in my backyard!  I have wondered whether or not this was the same doe we saw nearly two years ago.  Perhaps we are a spot where she feels safe – for herself as well as for her baby.  I would like to think so, anyway.

Thank you, Lord, for giving us this precious moment to observe your creation.

Judy is living in Central Florida with her retired U.S. Air Force husband of 50+ years. Born in Dallas, Texas, she grew up in the Southwestern United States.She met her husband at their church, where he was attending the university in her town. After college and seminary, he entered the Air Force, and their adventures began.They lived in eight of our United States, and spent six years in Europe, where their oldest daughter was born. She was a stay-at-home mom for many years .

  Judy has always been involved with music, both playing the piano and singing. Always interested in exercise, she was an aerobic dancing instructor, as well as a piano teacher for many years, and continues to faithfully exercise at home.

After moving to Central Florida, she served as a church secretary for nearly nine years.Her main hobby at this point in time is scanning pictures and 35mm slides into the computer. She also enjoys scrapbooking.She and her husband have two married daughters and four grandchildren, including grandtwins as well as a great-grandson. She and her husband enjoy the Disney parks as often as possible.

2 Responses to “Look Who Came for a Visit-Part 2”

  1. divoran09 October 11, 2020 at 11:12 am #

    I was hoping you would write about the doe and fawn. It is a great blog. As we know, wild animals don’t trust just anybody. You are honored.

    Liked by 1 person

    • ludyja October 11, 2020 at 3:39 pm #

      I feel honored, as well. It is such a joy to see this kind of thing – in my own backyard!!

      Liked by 1 person

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